Our story begins with two families sharing friendship together and seeing friends and loved ones becoming sick. Some of our friends and family where healed and others finished their course prematurely. Cancer hit both of our families and this is where our journey begins regarding making better choices about nutrition.
After these brushes with disease, serious life changes regarding food took place. We began by reading food labels for unhealthy ingredients and this led us to start purchasing a higher proportion of our groceries in organic foods. We started an Aquaponic Garden to raise fish for protein and grow healthy pesticide free vegetables. We ordered some microgreens and started growing them in our kitchen as a healthy food supplement.
Thinking back to our younger years, we recognized that most of the diseases we face today were non-existent when we were growing up. Now sickness and disease touch almost every American family. Many children are on medicine for disorders and there doesn’t seem to be any breakthrough coming soon. We asked ourselves, what has changed to bring us to this undesired outcome? We concluded that our food supply moved from small farmers to large Corporate farmers. Many of these Corporate Farmers depend on harsh fertilizers, GMO altered seeds and dangerous pesticides to maximize their profits. These changes in farming are depleting the minerals and trace minerals in the land and this food growing practice is contaminating our water supply.
Most of our food now travels over 2,000 miles to reach our table. Today food is harvested early before much of the nutrition reaches full value. This pre-harvest schedule reduces the nutritional value of the crop. This change to an early harvest schedule is designed to accommodate for the extra time required to drive across country or move food from foreign soil. After a crop is harvested, the dying process starts and with each day the nutritional value is depreciated. This extra travel expense to market drives up our food costs at the cost of lackluster nutrition. Preservatives are often used to coat or slow down the visual changes in the food to create the illusion of freshness. Most crops arrive with pesticides on the flesh of the plant. These pesticides are almost impossible to remove even after washing. Each year the Government publishes a list of the crops with the highest concentration of pesticides. Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention measure pesticides and other chemicals in the bodies of Americans every few years. In the most recent study, CDC tested for 212 chemicals, including 44 pesticides — and found most of them. DDT breakdown products were found in more than 85 percent of Americans tested, though the chemical hasn't been widely used here since 1972.
It hasn’t been that long ago when most homes had a garden in their yards and many of our neighbors canned their food. People back then made fewer trips to the doctor’s office and where lighter in weight. Over the years with the migration to suburban homes, multi-level apartments, the incorporation of HOA’s in neighborhoods and the strict city regulations; most people have no way to grow their own food until now.
This is when our inspiration arose that we and others needed an affordable way to grow our own nutritious food year around. Everyone is busy and most families have more than one wage earner. Since most of us are limited by space and time, we needed a way to grow our food that overcame these obstacles. This is when the company Living Fresh Foods was birthed. We started asking for inspiration of how to assemble a Microgreen Growing Kit that everyone could afford and be successful.
Our How-to instructions have been translated into Spanish and available on our website. Our desire at Living Fresh Foods is that all people from around the world can grow our nutritious food products year around. Our Microgreen Resuppy Seeds Kit are available so you can continue to grow your food month after month with the reusable Microgreen Grow Container that comes in the Grow Kit. We believe our pricing per Crop will be less than purchasing food at the grocery store and your supplies are shipped directly to your home.
Help us spread the word to your friends and family that they can also enjoy the benefits of healthy nutrition. Catch the Wave of Nutrition TM by enjoying Living Fresh Foods. Please be sure to watch our videos all the way through, please Subscribe and hit the Like buttons so we can build our company.
Thank you for your prayers.
GENESIS 1:29: And God said, Behold, I have given you every plant bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.